Monday, September 24, 2012


Greyson has reached the grand age of 16 months! And he is quite the stud and lets his mommy take his picture all the time. Here are some of the pics he let me get away with today!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ALAN IS 30!!

Something BIG has happened! My husband has turned 30! So for his birthday celebration we(my parents and us) went to DISNEYLAND...
The first day we picked up Alan from the airport and went straight to the park. We took Greyson to meet Minnie Mouse, which he about freaked out! He went running to her and just couldn't get enough. Why doesn't my son do that when I walk in the room?

Another fun thing we did that day, was go to the petting zoo... I had no idea that Disney had a petting zoo. Grey and daddy really enjoyed that!

The next day, we did whatever Alan wanted to do. So obviously we went to the beach!!!! It was grey and daddy's first time playing in the ocean together.

We ate at Pinks Hotdogs, which is an L.A. must when we are visiting. And we hit up Grauman Chinese Theater near by.

The last day there was Alan's actual birthday and we went to Disneyland again, but for a fun surprise his brother Danny and his wife Melanie met up with us. They had their adorable son Evan with them, who is the exact same age as Greyson.

 Happy Birthday babe, love you!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


It has been 8 months since I last posted and a lot has happened since then. First I should start with Greyson, and what is new with that little man! 

He is now 15 months old, and here are a list of things about him. He walks, sings, dances, plays, talks (he says phrases like, "uh-oh", "hello momma/dadda", "let's go!!", etc.) and is the snuggliest kid ever! The biggest news about Grey, besides that he turned 1 this year, is that he is going to be a BIG BROTHER!

Alan and I are expected our second little boy this Thanksgiving. It is amazing that we have been blessed with these boys. I am just as anxious to meet this baby as I was Greyson. Lets hope that it's not to much longer. I will be posting again soon, because Alan turns the BIG 3-0!! So I will let you know how his birthday celebrations go.

Monday, January 9, 2012



1.Greyson Parker Wilbur was born happy & healthy
2. I survived labor and delivery, by the assistance of Alan & my Dad
3.Alan & I are first time home owners in a great neighborhood
4.My Dad is still here to experience all these new adventures with us
5.Sharon & Curt Wilbur's never ending support
6. The baby room provided by my momma Stacey
7.The photography business that Alan & I started is continually growing
8. We made it through the major windstorm that hit Davis County
9. Our new car the Dodge Durango (which I received as an anniversary gift)