Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Michelle Pfieffer
Ryan Phillippe

Friday, October 2, 2009


Last week Alan and I had an FHE (family home evening) of our own. Which is pretty hard to accomplish these days since we have such busy schedules. Alan took it upon himself to plan our FHE. He met up with me after school, which gets out at 7:05. I noticed he had a blanket, sweaters and a basket filled with what was going to be our dinner. I thought "how fun a picnic", but then I realized where he was taking me. He was taking me up the canyon to where he PROPOSED!!! It is on Big Mountain looking over the valley.It is a beautiful sight! But everytime I have been there it hasn't been the best weather. When we went up there this time it was freeeezzzzing! Even thought it was hard to bare the cold, it was such an amazing night as we ate grapes, crakers and cheese, and watched the sun set. Then we started remembering the night Alan popped the question. It went a little something like this......
Once upon a time, on a night very much like tonight. There lived two young single adults named Whitney and Alan. They had fallen in love after a long (3 month) courtship. During their whimsical relationship they found that they where the happiest they had ever been in life. So one night Alan took Whitney to see a show. Not just any show, the symphony played broadway music up at Deer Valley. Alan knew how much Whitney adored musicals! And it didn't end there. Alan didn't only provide great entertainment, he also got Whitney's favorite food, Sushi.
After a fun night together it was time for Alan to take Whitney home. As they made their way through traffic Alan decided he wanted to take the back way home. Whitney didn't mind this at all because she knew this meant she would get to spend more time with him. After a long while it started to get darker and the roads a lot bumpier. Whitney realized the roads weren't bumpy, it was because they weren't on a road anymore. Alan was acting nervous, claiming that he had now lost them in the magical forest. Whitney started to panic. Then the rain came..Perfect! What else could go wrong on their quest home.
Then when they thought all hope was lost Alan rushed and pulled the carraige (truck) over. It was still rainy and windy. Whitney refused to get out. Alan kept persisting she get out. After a back and forth discussion, Alan finally escorted her out the side door. Whitney couldn't see a thing, the wind and rain were making her eyesight blurry. She saw a light in the distance. Alan guided her down the hill to a candle lit area. Once they reached the area the rain stopped. Whitney saw 2 dozen White roses, a chair and a guitar. As Whitney caught her breath, Alan began to play his guitar. It was their song, "Bless this broken road." The smile on Whitney's face was beaming. She was so happy! At the end of him serenading her, they embraced. As the hug was ending Alan slowing slid down onto one knee. The words he shared with her I cannot tell. But they were words that she will never forget. Then after a brief pause...
"YES!!!!!", she replied. And they lived happily ever after.