Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hello 2010! We left a lot back in 2009, such as our biggest adventure so far, our wedding! Next up? Who knows! That is the great part about a new year, I get to look forward to new adventures with my amazing husband. A few things to look forward to, my 24th birthday (one year older and wiser too!), my first cruise with my husband and friends and my brothers return from his mission in Switzerland. There are a few other things, but I will wait until a later date in my blog to share them with you.
A few goals that I have established for myself are, the usual dieting, exercising and trying to be an over all better person. Hopefully I am able to reach some sort of accomplishment through out the year.
The reason for the dieting is mainly because of our up coming cruise. I have never been on one, but if the Caribbean is anything like Mexico, I am going to find much comfort in my swimmingsuit. And that adds a lot of pressure. This is my first entry of the New Year, and look forward to telling you about all my fun adventures of the future!