7 Days away from the world! At least that is how it seemed. We had no way to communicate with anyone back home, no Internet or phone service. And our hotel was right on the shoreline. With a view to die for! As we drank pinacolada's and relaxed in sun. Just us two, nobody else we knew. I wish I could have more weeks like this in my life.
While we were there we quickly noticed that the prices to eat, were insanely expensive. Well insanely expensive for newly weds. So we went grocery shopping. We lived off of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, nutella and cereal. Except for our dinners, we always ate at some of the yummiest restaurants. And I will say, even their Italian was spicy!
Some of the fun excursions we went on was horseback riding for 3 hours on the beach. It was so fun because we got to ride the horses Cowboy style. Alan was galloping up and down the shore. I tried but was terrified after the first time. Ha! Another fun thing we did was go snorkeling. The boat took us out to "lovers beach" which on one side they had the Nikki beach we stayed at and on the other side of the beach was the Pacific Ocean. It was also the season where this seal colony had decided to live. And Oh, did they smell bad!
I loved this trip! And being able to be with alan alone, on vacation, away from everything, will be cherished!